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Navigating a World of 8 Billion: A Short Analogy


Imagine standing on a hill at the far edge of a vast orchard, stretching as far as the eye can see. This orchard represents our world, home to 8 billion people, each like a unique fruit on a tree. Among them, you find sweet and bitter, ripe and unripe, nourishing and, occasionally, spoiled.

Let’s say your orchard—your immediate circle—consists of 1,000 trees. Of these, 100 bear fruit twisted with greed, their branches weighed down by taking more than they give. Another 200 trees lean heavily to one side, biased by the winds of narrow-mindedness and prejudice, unable to offer balanced fruit. Then, those trees are still growing, young and tender, unable to yield the fruit you need now. Some trees stand in stark contrast to what you know, their fruit unfamiliar, their branches reaching in unexpected directions.

It’s easy to get caught up in the imperfections of these trees, focusing on the few that might rip you off or the ones that offer fruit tainted by bias. However, in doing so, you risk missing the abundant bounty around you.

Let’s consider the remaining 700 trees. These trees are sturdy and steady, their fruit ripe with potential. They’re not perfect, but they are good. Among them, you’ll find trees that offer collaboration, nourishment, and growth opportunities. The trees stand ready to build bridges, foster friendships, and forge partnerships.

In this vast orchard, it’s crucial to remember that while some trees might disappoint, the majority are filled with promise. The key is recognising that the few spoiled or biased fruits do not define the entire orchard. Instead, by focusing on the trees that thrive, you can find more than enough to sustain and enrich you.

This analogy teaches an essential lesson about navigating the world. With 8 billion people, yes, some will embody greed or bias. But those individuals are the minority, much like the few twisted trees in an otherwise thriving orchard. The world is vast, and the opportunities to find genuine connections, fruitful collaborations, and enriching relationships are plentiful.

So, as you walk through the orchard of life, don’t let the minority of bitter fruits sour your experience. Focus on the abundance of trees willing to offer their best, and you’ll find yourself surrounded by more than enough to nourish your dreams, support your endeavours, and enhance your journey. Ignore the minor imperfections, and you’ll see that the world is ripe with opportunities for friendship, partnership, and success.

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